do a survey, one time on the pc, not every session, to discover any errors in his
dynamics. On pcs not familiar with Scn terms use the following words: self, sex, family, children, groups, mankind, the animal kingdom, birds, beasts, fish, vegetables, trees, growing things, matter, energy, space, time, spirits, souls, gods, God. Assess with this question only, "Tell me something that would represent (each of the above, one after the other)." When one changes the pattern of the needle action or when it is definitely balmy, write it down. When list is completed take these items written down and run: "Think of something you have done to (selected terminal you wrote down)." "Think of something you have withheld from (selected terminal, same one)." Run these terminals one each, one after the other, until pc seems flat. (HCOB 16 Feb 59)